DERING, RichardMusica Britannica 98: Motets and Anthems/Ed. WainwrightStainer And Bell Ltd
Almighty God, which through thy only-begotten son And the King was moved Anima Christi sanctifica me Ave Maria, gratia plena Ave verum corpus Ave virgo gratiosa / gloriosa Contristatus est Rex David Desidero te millies (Secunda pars of ‘Jesu dulcedo cordium’) Dixit Agnes gloriosa In lectulo meo Indica mihi Jesu decus angelicum Jesu dulcedo cordium Jesu dulcis memoria Jesu summa benignitas Lord, thou art worthy (Contrafactum of ‘O nomen Jesu’) O bone Jesu O nomen Jesu (Secunda pars of ‘O bone Jesu’) Omnem super quem videritis Quae est ista Quando cor nostrum visitas Therefore with Angels and Archangels (Contrafactum of ‘O nomen Jesu’) Unto thee, O Lord Vidi speciosam Vox in Rama audita est
Musica Britannica 98: Motets and Anthems/Ed. Wainwright