ボーカル+鍵盤用伴奏譜(2段譜)+リュート用TAB譜という4段譜になっています。 DOWLAND, John2nd Book of SongsStainer And Bell Ltd
Clear or cloudy (D – E) Come ye heavy states of night (F sharp – F) Die not before the day (E – D) Dowland’s adieu for Master Oliver Cromwell (lute and bass viol) Faction that ever dwells (D – D) Fine knacks for ladies (E – F) Flow my tears (D – E) Humour say what mak’st thou here (Duet: G – E and G – E) If floods of tears (E – E) I saw my lady weep (E – E) Mourn day is with darkness fled (D – D) Now cease my wand’ring eyes (F – F) O sweet woods (F – G) Praise blindness, eyes (D – D) Shall I sue? (G – G) Shepherd in a shade (D – D) Sorrow stay (D – D) Then sit thee down and say (D – D) Time’s eldest son, old age (D – D) Toss not my soul (F sharp – F) When others sing Venite (D – E) White as lilies was her face (G – F) Woeful heart (F – F)