1. Stop and Go 2. 終わりのない遊び 3. The Mind Will Have its Freedom... 4. (thus it happened...) 5. (quiet talk with the devil) 6. (five-finger play - cromatic exercise) 7. (Scherzo) 8. 泣き歌(1) 9. Pen Drawing, Valediction to Erzsbet Schar 10. Portrait (2) 11. Russian Dance 12. Thistle 13. Elegy for the left hand 14. ころがりっこ 15. (sorrowful tune) 16. Shadow-play (3) 17. Hommage a Rnki Gyrgy 18. Hommage a Zenon ( Achilles and the tortoise, or overtake your other hand) 19. (... and round and round it goes) 20. Double notes 21. Signs in Black 22. Stubborn Knots 23. Hommage a Schubert 24. Hommage a Petrovics 25. Hommage a Farkas Ferenc (2) Scraps of a colinda melody - faintly recollected 26. Hommage a Farkas Ferenc (3) (evocation of Petrushka) 27. Hommage a Farkas Ferenc (4) (Adoration, adoration, accursed desolation...) 28. Hommage a Moussorgsky 29. Hommage a Szervnszky - Silence 30. 泣き歌(2) 31. クリスティアン・ウォルフを想って(うつらうつらと) 32. Hommage a Domenico Scarlatti 33. Hommage a Borsody Lszl (Harmonica) 34. Hommage a Verese 35. Stubbunny 36. Play with Overtones (4) 37. Five-finger Quarrel 38. Portrait (3) 39. Hommage a Kurtg Mrta 40. 12 new microludes - 1. 41. 12 new microludes - 2. 42. 12 new microludes - 3. Labyrinthine D 43. 12 new microludes - 4. 44. 12 new microludes 5. Hommage a Szab Ferenc (Tune) 45. 12 new microludes - 6. Hommage a Somly Gyrgy - Shadow-play (4) 46. 12 new microludes - 7. Hommage a Mihly Andrs 47. 12 new microludes - 8. 48. 12 new microludes - 9. Obstinate A flat 49. 12 new microludes - 10. 50. 12 new mikroludes - 11. Hommage a J.S.B. 51. 12 new microludes - 12. Hommage a Stockhausen