Anthology of Sacred Song Vol.4(B)/Ed. SpickerG. Schirmer, Inc.
Arm, Arm, Ye Brave, (Handel) Behold, Along the Dewy Grass But Who May Abide(Messiah) Consume Them All (St.Paul) Daughters of Jerusalam(Sullivan) Daughters of the City, The Days Are All Sunshine, The Despoiled Is Thy Crown of Honor For Know Ye Not (Mendelssohn) Give Ear, Ye People (Dvorak) Glory Be to Thee, O Lord (Ruth) God Is Eternal (Moses) Delange God, Hear My Voice (J.Raff) God, My Father (7 Last Words) His Sceptre Is the Rod Holy One, Dying for Mortals Honor and Arms How Great, O Lord, Is Thy Goodness Is Not His Word Like a Fire? (Mendelssohn) It Is Enough (Mendelssohn-Elijah) Jeremiah's Lament (Hiller) Lead Me, O Lord (Molique) Lord, God of Abraham (Elijah) Mighty Lord and King (Chr.Ora.) My Father,Look upon My Anguish Now Heav'n Fullest Glory (Haydn) O God, Have Mercy (Mendelssohn) O Lord, My Darken'd Heart O My Home (Nativity) Marechal Obedience 'tis,The Lrd--Demandet People Who Walked in Darkness (Handel) Rolling Foaming Billows (Haydn-The Creation) Tears of Sorrow (Calvary) Spohr Tears,Such As Tender Fathrs Shed Trumpet Shall Sound Wake, Ye Spirits (Rubinstein) Why Do the Nations (Messiah) Wilderness Shall Be,The With Joy Th'impatient Husbandman