World War II Songs: 32 Great SongsMusic Sales Ltd.
1. (Hng Out)The Washing On The Siegfried Ln 2. A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square 3. All Over The Place 4. Bless 'Em All 5. Cleanin' My Rifle And Dreamin' Of You 6. Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer 7. Der Fuehrer's Face 8. Hey Little Hen 9. I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire 10. I'll Be Seeing You 11. I'll Pray For You 12. I'm Going To Get Lit Up When Lights Go On 13. I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes 14. In The Quartermasters Store 15. I'Ve Got Sixpence (As I Go Rolling Home) 1. (Hng Out)The Washing On The Siegfried Ln 2. A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square 3. All Over The Place 4. Bless 'Em All 5. Cleanin' My Rifle And Dreamin' Of You 6. Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer 7. Der Fuehrer's Face 8. Hey Little Hen 9. I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire 10. I'll Be Seeing You 11. I'll Pray For You 12. I'm Going To Get Lit Up When Lights Go On 13. I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes 14. In The Quartermasters Store 15. I'Ve Got Sixpence (As I Go Rolling Home) 1. (Hng Out)The Washing on the Siegfried in 2. A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square 3. All Over the Place 4. Bless 'Em All 5. Cleanin' My Rifle and Dreamin' of You 6. Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer 7. Der Fuehrer's Face 8. Hey Little Hen 9. I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire 10. I'll Be Seeing You 11. I'll Pray for You 12. I'm Going to Get Lit up When Lights Go on 13. I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes 14. In the Quartermasters Store 15. I've Got Sixpence(As I Go Rolling Home) 16. Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major 17. Let the People Sing 18. Lilli Marlene リリ・マルレーン 19. Lords of the Air 20. Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats 21. Mister Brown of London Town 22. Nursie Nursie 23. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition 主を讃えよ! あと弾持ってこい! 24. Roll out the Barrel(Beer Barrel Polka) ビア樽ポルカ 25. Run, Rabbit, Run! 26. Somewhere in France with You 27. That Lovely Weekend 28. The White Cliffs of Dover ドーヴァーの白い崖 29. There'll Always Be an England 30. We'll Meet Again 31. You are My Sunshine ユー・アー・マイ・サンシャイン 32. Yours