FLETCHER, StanleyNew Tunes for Strings Vol.1/Ed. Rolland: ViolinBoosey And Hawkes, Inc./New York
- Argentine Tango - Bagpipers' Dance - Banjo Tune - Birds at Sunrise - Blue Lullaby - Camel Driver's Song - Chinese Flute - Coke Date - Cradle Song - Creole Song - Dancers - Dance Variations - Distant Fife and Drum - Dreamy Eyed Sue - Dutsch Waltz - Echo Song - Fiddler's Blues - Hoe Down - Irritable Cuckoo - Jig - Jungle Dance - March - Mayday Carol - Mayday Dance - Mountain Serenade - Persian Song - Polka - Puppet Ballet - Saraband - Slumber Song - Song for the Open Air - Song of the Waves - Spanish Traveler's Tale - Spirit Bugler - Square Dance I - Square Dance II - Sweet Eyed Sue - Sweet Melody - Swingin' Along - Tropical Night