- Siciliana: Second movement from Sonata in E flat, BWV 1031 [Johann Sebastian Bach] - Allegro: Fourth movement from Sonata in F, HWV 369, Op. 1 No. 11 [George Frideric Handel] - Dance of the Mirlitons: from The Nutcracker, Op. 71 [Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky] - Solitaire [Malcolm Arnold] - Boogalie-Woogalie: No. 10 from Just for Fun! for Flute [Keith Bartlett] - Z Eriko na igri?cu (At the Playground with Erica): from Flavta se igra [Bla? Pucihar] - Study in G: No. 11 from 30 Etudes faciles et progressives pour la flute [Giuseppe Gariboldi] - Scatter: No. 3 from Scatadoodledoo [Alicia Hart] - The Mexican Hat Dance [Trad. Mexican]