Contents: Jascha Heifetz: Three Cadenzas to the Beethoven Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major op.61. Critical Urtext Edition Edited by Endre Granat (after Auer and Joachim); Ludwig van Beethoven: Turkish March for Violin and Piano op. 113. Critical Urtext Edition Edited by Endre Granat; Ludwig van Beethoven: Chorus of the Dervishes for Violin and Piano op.113. Critical Urtext Edition Edited by Endre Granat. Both Beethoven pieces from The Ruins on Athens, transcription by L. Auer. BEETHOVEN, Ludwig vanBeethoven Folio, The/Urext/Ed. Heifetz & Granat(Heifetz Collection)Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
Beethoven Folio, The/Urext/Ed. Heifetz & Granat(Heifetz Collection)