Opera The Firebird: Yamato (Hinotori, inspired by the manga series by Osamu Tezuka), premiered in 1985 at The Tokyo Chamber Opera Theatre, has borne various spin-offs. Choral version (edition KAWAI) was one of the most popular work, as well as this Three Fragments.Two movements of the work were composed for Mr. Osamu Kumashiro, the ambitious trumpet player who is representative of Japanese classical music world. Piano part was later changed to the organ, and completed as three movements with the added March. The solo part was performed by Hiroki Yamakawa. Accompaniment can be performed with the organ. (The use of pedals is optional. Look for string-like timbre for first and third movements, and brass-like timbre for the second movement when choosing stops.)Performing all three movements are preferable, although playing each movements individually as your favorite repertoire or a piece for the encore is also expected by the composer. (HIroshi Aoshima)
I. As Mountain of Fire sleeps Takeru
II. March “Kumaso”
III. O, birds of the forest
[1] I. 火の山は眠る 作曲: 青島広志 編成: トランペット&ピアノ [2] II. 行進曲「クマソ」 作曲: 青島広志 編成: トランペット&ピアノ [3] III. 森の小鳥よ 作曲: 青島広志 編成: トランペット&ピアノ