50 Art Songs from the Modern RepertoireHal Leonard Corporation
Adieu Pour Jamais (Loeffler) Apres un reve At the Ball (Tchaikovsky) At The Well Aurore (Faure) By A Lonely Frst Pathway(Griffes By The Brook (Grieg) C'est l'extase langoureuse Cacilie Chanson Espagnole Corals (B.Treharne) D'anne Jouant De L'espinet(Ravel En Priere(In Prayer) Faure Erhebung(Exaltation)schoenberg Evening Prayer, The(Moussorgsky) Extase(Ecstasy) Duparc Fiocca La Neve(Snow) (Cimara) From The North(Norden) Sibelius Fussreise(A-Walking) H.Wolf Gesang Weyla's (H.Wolf) Il pleure dans mon coeur In Silence Of Night(Rachmaninoff Island,The (Rachmaninoff) J'ai Pleure Reve(I Wept Blvd)hue L'esclave(The Bond Maid) Lalo L'Heure Exquise (The Hour of Dreaming) (Hahn) L'invitation Au Voyage (Duparc) Lark, The (Dvorak) A Legend (Tchaikovsky) Les Paons(The Peacocks)loeffler A Memory (R.Ganz) Morgen! Mother (Palmgren S) Nebbie(Mists) Respighi Pastorale (Stravinsky) Rataplan (Grever) Sea-Shell (Engel) Silent Noon (Vaughan Williams) The Sleep that Flits on Baby's Eyes (Carpenter) Sleeping Princess (Borodine) Slumber-Song (Gretchaninoff) Snowdrops (Prokofieff) Snowflakes (Prokofieff) Song Of The Girl At The Window Tears Of Autumn (Bartok) Tell, O Tell Her (Kotchetoff) Tus Ouillos Negros(Yr Dark Eyes) Verschwiegene Liebe(Silent Love) Waiting (Deis C) Without Your Love (Sandoval)