Studio Ghibli Songs for Violin and Piano Intermediate
通常価格1,430 円(税込)
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【ヤマハグローバル版】8 arrangements for solo violin and piano in intermediate level from 7 Studio Ghibli movies.
1. Carrying You 2. Hey Let's Go 3. The Path of the Wind 4. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening Theme 5. A Town with an Ocean View 6. Always with Me 7. Merry-Go-Round of Life 8. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
[1] Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening Theme Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 作曲: 久石 譲 [2] Carrying You Castle in the Sky 作曲: 久石 譲 作詞: 宮崎 駿 [3] Hey Let's Go My Neighbor Totoro 作曲: 久石 譲 作詞: 中川 李枝子 [4] The Path of the Wind My Neighbor Totoro 作曲: 久石 譲 作詞: 宮崎 駿 [5] A Town with an Ocean View Kiki's Delivery Service 作曲: 久石 譲 [6] Always with Me Spiried Away 作曲: 木村 弓 作詞: 覚 和歌子 [7] Merry-Go-Round of Life Howl's Moving Castle 作曲: 久石 譲 [8] Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea / 藤岡藤巻と大橋のぞみ Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 作曲: 久石 譲 作詞: 近藤 勝也