1. A Retreat (The English Patient) 2. Angela Undress (American Beauty) 3. Darlington Hall (The Remains Of The Day) 4. Feather Theme (Forrest Gump) 5. Ghost 6. Honor Him Now We Are Free (Gladiator) 7. Hymn To The Fallen (Saving Private Ryan) 8. Il Postino 9. It's A Life (The Truman Show) 10. Lost And Found (The Piano) 11. Pleasantville 12. Rupert Bear (The English Patient) 13. The Beginning Of The Partnership (Shakespeare In Love) 14. The English Patient 15. The Heart Asks Pleasure First (The Piano) 16. The Last Of The Mohicans 17. The Wedding (Emma) 18. Under The Umbrella (Little Women) 19. Viola's Audition (Shakespeare In Love)