Second Book of Soprano Solos, The - Part 1/Ed. BoytimG. Schirmer, Inc.
- Art Is Calling For Me - Bescheidebne Liebe (Wolf) - Das Verlassene Magdlein(Maid Fo) - Die Nacht - Down In The Forest - Fiocca La Neve(Snow) (Cimara) - Hark! The Echoing Air - Hear My Prayer, O Lord - La Zingara (Donizetti) - Les Cloches - Love's Philosophy, Op. 3, No. 1 - My Heart Ever Faithful - My Heart Is Like A Singing Bird - O Divine Redeemer (Repentir) - Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre (Handel) - A Pastoral - Shepherd! Thy Demeanour Vary - Sleep, Gentle Cherub, Sleep Descend - Song Of The Blackbird - A Spring Morning - The Sun Shall Be No More Thy Light - The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze - Take O Take Those Lips(Beach Hha - These Are They Which Came(Gaul) - To The Birds (A des Oiseaux) - Un Moto Di Gioja - Vergebliches Standchen (The Vain Suit), Op. 83, No. 4 - Vieille Chanson - Villanelle (I Saw The Swift Swallow Flying)
Second Book of Soprano Solos, The - Part 1/Ed. Boytim